JICREG newspaper readership data are generated by applying readers per copy (RPC) figures to circulation breakdowns at postcode sector level. The RPC figures are generated by using JICREG models, these models have been developed from readership claims for local newspapers collected via the PAMCo survey interviews and demographic factors.
True local JICREG local online audience data is generated by a combination of comScore visitor and cookie data. Those sites that achieve the reporting threshold use the comScore visitor figure, those that don't use an audience figure derived from comScore cookie data. RSMB created a model for reporting audiences based on the relationship between visitors and cookies. All online audiences are based on the geographic area of the print title. The demographic and in area audiences are derived from intercept surveys via publisher websites. Additional data collected via Audience Project was used for calculating proportion of the online audience within print area.
The intercept surveys were also used to calculate the duplication between print and online.
JICREG uses the JICPOPS annually updated population and household total and postcode sector lists.
JICREG data are complex, with hundreds of separate fields on 648 titles and over 479 websites. The Local Media Works database provides the source of basic newspaper information used by JICREG and a sophisticated electronic questionnaire system has been developed for checking data that publishers supply for inclusion. JICREG data are released twice a year in April and October. Updated JICREG National data are released at the same time as the April update. JICREG newspaper readership data has been extended to include free pick-up copies. Paid for papers with some pick-up copies are given the type code V. Free door-to-door papers with some pick-up copies are given the type code W.
JICREG Nationals enables national newspaper readership data to be incorporated into JICREG online, so that the readership of all daily and Sunday national newspapers can be established for any area created within JICREG online, including pre-set areas, drive time areas, and user defined catchment areas. Data can also be transferred into schedule analysis software enabling net reach and frequency of schedules, including both national and local newspapers to be established within any area. This works with all schedule analysis software including Telmar, IMS and Kantar Choices. This means that the performance of any national press schedule can be analysed regionally, and the additional coverage achieved by including key regional newspapers demonstrated. In order to subscribe to JICREG Nationals, companies have to be current subscribers to JICREG online and the PAMCo/ AMPs survey.